Treadmills are an excellent way of losing weight and staying fit, however many people put off doing their exercise routines until the end of the day. This can be really costly and could mean that you never actually get round to doing your workout.
Losing weight revolves around the notion of being able to burn the most amount of fat. There is a science begin this - for example, if you exercise in a morning then you are preparing your body for the whole day ahead of you. During the night while you sleep, your body is being fed only a minimal amount of fuel because you do not need to function like you do during the day.
When you wake up, a good cardio routine on a treadmill will wake up your energy reserves. Your glycogen levels are always lower in the morning, as are your blood glucose levels. This means when you start exercising, your body is forced to burn fat for energy.
Most people start their day with a good breakfast. Every time you eat a meal, especially one with carbohydrates, your body releases insulin - this impedes the burning of body fat.
However, if you start your day with a full workout on your treadmill then your body will be forced to use up the reserves of fat which helps you lose weight when compared to eating a meal which just adds to the fat reserves.
You don't want to eat before are you hop on the treadmill to burn fat. You'll lose more weight if you get your cardio routine finished first and then have a healthy breakfast. If you eat before you walk on the treadmill, your body spends time burning up the calories you just ate before it can access your stored body fat.
Every time you use your treadmill, you will actually be helping to speed up your metabolism. This is important because a higher metabolism will burn calories more quickly throughout the day, which helps you lose weight. The sooner you can get your metabolism increased the better, as this gives you the maximum amount of time where your body is at peak condition for burning calories.
If you wait until the evening to do your treadmill workout, your body won't get the full benefits, because it goes to sleep shortly thereafter. Anyone who works out first thing in the morning will tell you that they get a great boost of energy that lasts them throughout the day.
Getting your treadmill exercise over and done with in the morning is also a fantastic way of controlling your eating habits - you will notice your cravings getting weaker and weaker as you get more and more into your new morning routine and your binge eating will stop.
Another thing, because getting on your treadmill is the first thing you do, you will find that you no longer have to make excuses to yourself about not getting around to exercising that day!